Birds of Paradise

BOP!’s mission is to create safe spaces in Magic the Gathering by welcoming people of all genders and identities to our tables. As a collective of players and creators, we aim to highlight marginalized voices and content in our community.

BOP!'s Values

Birds of Paradise (BOP!) is a revolving collective of creators and leaders within the Magic the Gathering community. BOP! is deliberately composed of people from traditionally marginalized backgrounds that highlights marginalized voices and content in Magic, while curating safe and welcoming gaming spaces for all voices.BOP! embraces three tenets focused on fostering healthy gaming atmospheres on-and-offline. BOP!’s goal is to invite people of historically marginalized backgrounds into the Magic the Gathering community by cultivating spaces without the adversity that traditionally exclude and bar them.The BOP! tenets are as follows:A. BOP! streams, servers, events, and spaces will never discriminate against any person(s) for their immutable characteristics as a human. (Skin color, voice, nationality, gender, sexuality, culture, etc.) To guarantee the effectiveness of this tenet, these spaces are reserved for people who uphold these values. Any breach of these values will result in immediate expulsion.B. BOP! is a revolving collective of creators dedicated to furthering the mission of inclusivity through fostering inclusive spaces both online and in person. This is a nest of people dedicated to demonstrating BOP!’s core values through their content and lived experience.C. BOP! creates safe and inclusive spaces through attendance, representation, and participation in community events. BOP! is dedicated to teaching and modeling our values by welcoming people into our community, providing knowledge and resources, and ensuring a safe space for everyone.

Our Flock:

Katie KarlovLinktree
Anna MargaretBio site
Jordan LablondLinktree
Your PriscyllaLinktree